Thursday, April 14, 2011

General News

On April 11, 2011, one month after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan, Chi Xiong speaks at the Smiles for Japan event held at Red Square on Western Washington University’s campus.  “[People in Japan] lack water, food and medicine,” he said.  “But they also lack smiles.  We want to send them smiles.” Xiong, president of Smiles for Japan, said they hoped to raise awareness and funds for earthquake survivors.  After the speech the crowd was invited to help fold paper cranes.  According to Japanese legend, if 1,000 paper cranes are folded a wish will come true. 

Mio Asami, a member of Smiles for Japan helps set up for the event.

Mizue Aoki (left) and Muneki Watomabe.

James Loucky, Western professor of anthropology, speaks as Kim Thiessen signs.

From left:  Mizue Aoki, Jesse Lavigne and Kelly Colee

Mizue Aoki